Investing in Gold: The Role of Refineries and Mints in the Gold Market

For thousands of years, gold has been the most sought-after commodity in the world. It is a precious metal that can be found all over the world in raw form, with many different types and grades of purity. Once it has been extracted from the ground, however, it needs to be refined before it can … Read more

The Inner Workings of a Gold Refinery: From Raw Ore to Pure Precious Metal

When you think of Gold Mint, you probably picture something like a factory. But in reality, most gold refineries are small operations that work hard to provide highly-skilled labor and a high level of customer satisfaction. The goal of a refinery is to take all your raw ore and turn it into pure precious metal … Read more

Gold Bullion vs. Gold ETFs: Which is the Better Investment?

Gold trading involves buying and selling gold in the financial markets, either as a physical asset or through various financial instruments such as futures, options, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Gold is a highly valued and widely traded commodity that has been used as a store of value for centuries. Trading gold can be a way … Read more

Exploring the World’s Most Famous Gold Mints: From the Royal Canadian Mint to the Perth Mint

Gold is money, a currency, and an investment. It’s one of the most important commodities in the world, and it has been for thousands of years. In that time, gold has been minted by many different countries around the globe—and there are some notable names among them. As you might expect from such an important … Read more